Creation Myths

By various authors. Pgs 85-127.
Enuma Elish. This creation myth talks about how the gods were fighting and they created the earth and water and plants. These gods were prideful and didn't wan't to work so they created man to be their slaves and do their work for them.
Epic of Gilgamesh. In this creation myth the gods were angry with humans so they decided to flood the earth so Gilgamesh took animals on a boat he made to save them from the flood. This story is very similar to Noah's Ark.
Klamath Indian Myth. The chief of the below world wanted to marry Loha the daughter of the chief of the above world but the chief of the about world refused and the chief of the below world got angry and fought with the chief of the above world. This explained the volcanic eruptions that occurred near the Indians home.
Arizona Crater Creation Myth. When the Earth was new it contained no humans. the gods had created some simplistic life forms to test out the world they had created. Once they were satisfied that their world would support humans, they sent them crash landing into the Earth leaving a huge crater on the surface. The impact of the crater caused surrounding life to die and the area to become dry with little plant live and water around. The gods were now able to have humans on the Earth to be their slaves and do their bidding. This was how humans came to be on the earth. The crater has remained there ever since and has served as a memory of the day the humans came to inhabit the Earth.
James and Jessie's myth. Eissej the destroyer and Semaj the creator were creating and destroying lots of stuff until sejtup the law maker created the laws of physics and then the creator and destroyer could only create and destroy when the laws of physics allowed. Semaj created the earth, plants, animals, and humans but Essej corrupted them.
Tim and Api's creation myth. The god cut off his toe and called it Earth. The he used his hair to create plants and his tears to put water on the Earth. He did this in order to let man live upon Earth.

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